Visit or scan this QR code on other devices to send files. 在其他设备上访问 或扫描上面的二维码开始传送文件。

File Received // 收到文件

Filename // 文件名
Save // 保存

Send a Message // 发送消息

Cancel // 取消

Message Received // 收到消息

File Transfer Completed // 文件传送完毕

fyDrop // 燧炻传送

FyDrop lets you transfer files between P2P connection. It supposed that your devices have the same public IP address and are not using a proxy, network tunnel or VPN. // “燧炻传送” 可让您通过 P2P 连接传输文件。使用条件是您的设备处于同一公网 IP 地址,且没有使用代理、隧道或 VPN 等程序。
FyDrop is made possible by RobinLinus and Snapdrop.